Top 5 Things To Look For In Function Room

If you're looking to book a function rooms Melbourne, you'll want to make sure that it's perfect for your event. It's easy enough to look at the facilities online, but if you want to be sure that it's going to be right for your needs, there are a few things that you should check out in person before committing. Here are our top five tips:

1. Venue Interior 

  • High ceilings. A venue with high ceilings is ideal, as it will help to create an open feeling. If you have a lot of people in the room, this can make the space feel even more spacious.
  • Plenty of natural light. If you choose a venue that doesn't have any windows or natural light coming in, it could be a bit dark and gloomy during your event--not exactly what you want!

2. Venue Exterior 

  • Look for a venue that has a nice exterior. You want to make sure your guests are comfortable when they arrive, so look for venues that have green spaces and well-maintained grounds.
  • Look for a venue with ample parking. If you're hosting an event at peak times (e.g., Friday night), it's important to choose a location with plenty of parking options in order to avoid congestion on the street or in front of other businesses' doors.

3. Venue Location 

Location is a very important factor when choosing a venue. The location should be close to the venue, easy to get to, and easy for guests who are traveling from out of town or country. 

Guests should also be able to find it easily without having to ask for directions multiple times before they arrive at their destination. 

Parking near the function rooms Melbourne is another thing that needs consideration when looking for venues; if there are no parking spots available nearby then this could cause problems for your guests who have travelled far distances just so they can attend your event in person!

4. Venue Price 

The cost of your function rooms Brisbane is a major factor in deciding where to hold your function. Venue prices vary greatly depending on location and amenities, so it's important to consider all aspects before booking.

  • What kind of food are they offering? Are there vegetarian options? Do they offer gluten-free or vegan dishes?
  • What type of drinks do they have available? Will you be able to serve alcohol at your event if needed (and how much will it cost)?
  • What extras come with each package--decorations, special music or entertainment--and what does each one cost extra (if anything)?

5. Aesthetics 

When you're looking for the one of the best function rooms Brisbane, aesthetics are important. You want to find a venue that is aesthetically pleasing and has natural light. You also want to look for a venue with beautiful views of the outdoors, or at least one that doesn't have too many distracting elements inside (like ugly carpeting).

Finally, look for venues that have modern decor because they tend to have better lighting than older buildings do.


A function rooms Melbourne is big investment, so it's important that you do your research before booking. The first step in finding the right venue for your event is to look at its interior and exterior. 

You want something that will be visually appealing for both guests and vendors alike, but also offers features like access to water or power sources so they can set up quickly without worrying about running out of resources halfway through their setup process!


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